This trip was a 50th year birthday present to myself. Because of Covid it was delayed for a couple of years, but now in 2022 it’s finally on. I will try to updaste the blog regularly, but I don’t expect cellular coverage everywhere, so expect bulk updates.

Lounging in Etna

Japanese warrior monks would sit under ice cold waterfall to toughen (and mentally cleanse themselves). As you might have noticed I have found it hard to adapt to life on trail and the purpose and meaning of spending 5 months away from kids and family to be here. Mrs M gave a coaching session over the phone. What do I want out of this? Why aren’t you happy? To some extent I might have been more in love with the dream of doing it, rather than the concrete act of doing it. [Read More]

Cold, cold, cold

Alarm went off at 0530, but hard to get up. Pissing down with rain. Finally got going around 7. Most of today was above 2000 meters, but it was all fog and driving rain. The rain trousers are extremely lightweight, but they have compromised on waterproofness. After four hours of hiking I was so cold and wet that I had to put up the tent and warm up with tea and a Real turmat. [Read More]

Nuclear holocaust

Alarm went off at 0530, and I managed to get up around 6. The neighboring couple (Bett and Nick) were up and had already prepared coffee for me. Helping others is rewarding in itself. But it was clear that I had to pay it forward, and tge message was to look after any motorcyclist in need in Norway. :-) A long climb up from the highway, then quite a bit of today was spent walking through areas that burnt last year. [Read More]

Otherworlders and bbq chicken

Last night I camped at Deadfall lake. In addition to 3 older guys camping and fishing, there was an older woman there from Mont Shasta. She was going from Castella to Seiad Valley with 10 days of food. This was her first backpacking trip in 30 years, and all her gear was brand new. As her feet were already in pain, I suggested she spend a few days there eating and lightning the load. [Read More]

Alpine Sunburn

Woke up to a stunning sunset at 0530, but didn’t get going before half seven. Path climbed up a little bit more and then stayed between 2000 and 2300 meters all day. Alpine terrain with all these beautiful small lakes scattered around. Had lunch at Porcupine lake where I had a good chat with two retired guys who were out on a little walkabout. The terrain changes dramatically dependent on I am guessing facing direction, geology, water. [Read More]

Leaving town life

Km: 29km Lizards: hundreds Slept fitfully again last night (scratch that garmin gives me a sleep score of 82 and a body battery of 90/100). Guess I am no longer made for the indoor life (yeah right). Walked over to Starbucks for breakfast just after 0600. Quite a few “backpackers” loitering around. On closer examination there is little to distinguish me and other homeless. California is according the news on of the worst states for homelessness. [Read More]

Restday in Mt. Shasta

Slept worse in the hotel bed than in the tent. Must have been that electricity and Netflix are worse for your sleep than the fear of being mauled by bears. Replaced a few things in the local outdoor shop. In the quest to lighten the load, I shipped a box of stuff to Bob, replaced the fas canister with a small one, cut the sleeping pad in two etc. Should I be grateful that the mice lightened the walking sticks by chewing off the corkhandles? [Read More]


Two 30k+ days had left me with a sore tendon on the front of tge left leg. Hopefully I haven’t overdone it. Popped a selection from my pills cabinet (Brexidol, Ibuprofen, Apocillin and Imodium) and didn’t feel a twinge for the rest of tge day. Today I finally got some views. The trail climbed up around 700m and opened up to some amazing views onto Shasta. I also got cell coverage so had a break with a video chat with the family. [Read More]


Km: 34km Time walking: 7:52 Ascent: 820m Animals: Deer Fluffy furry overgrown squirrel type Bird with yellow wings Last night I camped along Deer Creek. That certainly lived up to its name. A couple of deer 2-3 meters from the tent woke me up several times. They were digging around a tree. Like to eat the bark on the roots? Perhaps the digging I have seen on trail wasn’t bear but deer? [Read More]

Poohed a Pretzel

Km: 35.8 Time walking: 8:53 Ascent: 928 Rattlesnakes: 0 Bears: 0 ( although a lot of bear activity ) People: 0 Various furry animals, and some that looked suspiciously like Disney’s “Snipp og Snapp” When traveling many people tend to become constipated. As you can see from the title that’s no longer the case. As you have to do your business in a 4-6 inch deep hole you have dug with your titanium toilet trowel, you also can’t help becoming a little more aware of the output than at home. [Read More]