This trip was a 50th year birthday present to myself. Because of Covid it was delayed for a couple of years, but now in 2022 it’s finally on. I will try to updaste the blog regularly, but I don’t expect cellular coverage everywhere, so expect bulk updates.

Walk in the woods

Km: 25.2 Walking time: 6:42 Jetlag is a good thing in the morning. Woke up at 5am. Need some more time working in the packing routine, didn’t get going before 7am. Walking in the woods today, with some places opening up and offering some views. Lots of beautiful wild flowers. The trail mostly undulating between 1500-1600m elevation. Now camped at 1650. Alone. Realized I might have put the tent in an old burn zone. [Read More]

First day of the PCT

Maryann and Bob drove me all the way up to Burney Falls. Five hours! They are angels. Then a hot hike for about 15km. Nice slow start. The trail thread is really soft and nice on the feet. From the visitor center at the falls the path meandered gently through the forest. Crossed a hydro power dam at Lake Britton where they were doing refurbishment so I had to be escorted across. [Read More]

Getting to the US

Km: 15 Walking time: 4:03 Rattlesnakes: 2 A tearful farewell from the family. Makes you think why I am doing this. Ms M had made a little farewell card too that I am bringing with me, as well as her “Turbo” little furry stuffed animal. The trip to the US was a long one. Then already at the Oslo airport gate there was trouble, apparently an AC sensor was showing an error so we had to wait for the “press the reset button” mechanic. [Read More]

Last test walk

Preparing and planning

The original plan was to walk a pure PCT Southbound hike. And I have a permit for that starting from the Canadian border June 29th. There is a lot of snow up in Washington and Oregon this year, and as a way to both get a softer and easier start to get my trail legs, and to avoid crowds, I have decided to start in the middle, in Burney Falls in Northern California and hike north. [Read More]

Dag 3 Tverrådalkyrkja rundt

Tverrådalskyrkja rundt. Krampa under foten slapp i løpet av natta og om morgenen var det ømt men virket som det skulle kunne gå ann å gå på. Vi tok ikke sjansen på å fortsette som planlagt. Å måtte få hjelp til å hentes ut ville om mulig vært enda mer skamfullt enn å snu. Så istedet lot vi campen stå, pakka ett par appelsiner i sekken og tok en testtur oppover Fortundalsbreen. [Read More]

Dag 2 Oslo til Sota og opp bakken

Forskjellen mellom A mennesker og B mennesker ble tydelig med 06:00 avreise. Våknet til etterhvert når vi nærmet oss Skjåk. En jobbkollega viste seg å ha en svoger som jobbet med Fivelmyrene kraftverk. Han hadde vært på scooter-tur opp til breen via Nørdstedalen så nyttig å få litt rutetips fra ham. Vel annkommet Sota disket Ove opp med doble karbonadesmørbrød og så var det å få pakket pulkene og rusle oppover lia. [Read More]

Dag 1 Pakking

Vintertelttur krever sitt over bre krever sitt. Utstyr til overnatting, bre og skredsøker, søkestang i tilfelle skred. Høy skredfare så best å holde seg godt unna bratt terreng. Hvis været blir bra, satser vi på rundtur via Harbardsbreen. Avreise imorgen 0600. Dropper femretter på Sota og setter igang mot brostedet torsdag. Meldt stasvær. Img 1900 Img 1902 Img 1903 [Read More]