Otherworlders and bbq chicken

Last night I camped at Deadfall lake. In addition to 3 older guys camping and fishing, there was an older woman there from Mont Shasta. She was going from Castella to Seiad Valley with 10 days of food. This was her first backpacking trip in 30 years, and all her gear was brand new. As her feet were already in pain, I suggested she spend a few days there eating and lightning the load. ;-) She had figured out she would take up backpacking because she wasn’t allowed to travel. Not vaccinated you see. Why people choose to volunteer that information unprovoked I don’t know. She of course didn’t believe in any virus, but that it was all a conspiracy from the governments to keep the population in line.

I started calling these “otherworldies”. The other guy, was the one I hitched a ride with that ominously that there is more to the war in Ukraine than what the mass media tells us. Last night I heard “just as you should not discuss religion, politics is also a personal matter and should not be a topic of discussion “. But, what’s the point of politics then? Can you have politics without public discourse?

I was thinking of getting to the next resupply stop in Etna by Sunday. That’s just over 100km. Today’s plan was to get to the campground at highway 3. Just under 40k. Woke up at 0530, skipped breakfast and was hiking at 0600. 18k before 1000, so I made good speed.

Path continued above 2000m with nice open views. Lunch break at Bull lake and I got to highway 3 pretty knackered by around 1630. Longest day so far.

Set up camp beside a picnic table, and while I was preparing my freeze dried extravaganza, another car pulls in. It’s an older couple with a dog. Some sort of pitbull mix called Maggie. We became instant best friends. And even without giving the couple a glance, I was invited over for first beers, then whiskey sodas, and finally barbecue chicken and cabbage. Pays to have beady eyes! Betty, Nick and Maggie were absolutely magic.

It was a late night and poor sleep.