Cold, cold, cold

Alarm went off at 0530, but hard to get up. Pissing down with rain. Finally got going around 7. Most of today was above 2000 meters, but it was all fog and driving rain. The rain trousers are extremely lightweight, but they have compromised on waterproofness.

After four hours of hiking I was so cold and wet that I had to put up the tent and warm up with tea and a Real turmat. It was so windy that I had to hold the tent poles (hiking poles) so the tent wouldn’t collapse. (The tent is also lightweight and they have compromised on everything). In the sleeping bag, listening on an audio book for three hours while trying to warm up. Then it seemed like the weather was clearing and I put on the one and only change of clothes I gave (this one in wool) and headed out again.

Weather wasn’t too bad for a while, then it started to sleet and then some hail. Some snow drifts, but none too sketchy. The last part was continuous snow for a mile, but then on a relatively gentle hillside.

Lots of trees fallen over the trail. That’s not a big deal in Norway, but remember these are American trees. Obstacle course, where you have to climb over, or under ir try to go around in a steep hillside, while ensuring no part of you get impaled on the branches.

Finally at the road crossing, there were no cars and no cell coverage. Waited for a bit, then started composing a inreach message for Alun to have him reserve room and hear about transport. Just as I am about to hit send, a car comes up the road and my thumb and beady eyes makes them stop. A full family in a pickup truck, but I am offered the truck bed. I jump in on top of a ton of empty beer cans, a shovel and a chainsaw. And then they take me down the windy sixteen miles to town. At leasmy clothes dry quickly in the draft. They drop me off just outside town, because apparently the driver has been cited for letting people ride in the vack before.

I walk through town (village of 800 people ) and everyone waves (including the sheriff in a police car) and asks me if I am doing the pct. At the motel there’s noone but lits of veteran cars. A phone number on a sign that I call and just like that I have a room.

Socks and underwear washed. Electronics charged and Netflix binged.

A day off tomorrow. Wonder if I should wait out the next leg a little. There are a few scary snow crossings. Although at least half a dozen people have passed through ( the one I spoke to said she was shit scared).