Train, train, train

When the train finally arrived in Klamath Falls, I had a coach seat until Sacramento. The train arrived late in, but the connection was even later. Slept poorly in the seat, so it was a long wait. Coffee and a sandwich and later an ice cream. As Sacramento heated up it was more and more unbearable to be outside.

Now on the train, which just crossed the PCT over Donner Pass. Unfortunately in a tunnel.

Now in sleeper car with three meals included. A shared table, so had a nice chat with a retired couple that was train holidaying. 7700 miles in 8 days.

Hopefully the train arrives at the stop for the CDT in time for me to hitch a ride with the lady from the Continental Divide Trail Coalition. There’s indeed a way to before there are high speed trains here…

Cool Wild West landscape here.

Just had dinner, where I was joined by 3 tipsy, very chatty ladies from Kentucky. Very nice people again. The friendliness and hospitality and generosity of people. What can I say.